The first Spring web application

Welcome to WEBSTORE ! Webstore is a web application for selling Laptops Smart-phone, Tablet. Here, customers can see product details and order anything available in the store. Source Github link repository: kimduong322/webstore Software Requirements for develop Java Platform(JDK) 8 or higher version Apache-maven-3.8.6 Tomcat Server 8.5 Eclipse for Enterprise Java and Web developer. Postman Chorme

Welcome to WEBSTORE !

Webstore is a web application for selling Laptops Smart-phone, Tablet. Here, customers can see product details and order anything available in the store.


Github link repository: kimduong322/webstore

Software Requirements for develop

  1. Java Platform(JDK) 8 or higher version
  2. Apache-maven-3.8.6
  3. Tomcat Server 8.5
  4. Eclipse for Enterprise Java and Web developer.
  5. Postman Chorme App


  1. Spring web-mvc framework
  2. HyperSQL DataBase
  3. Spring Security, RESTful Service with Ajax, Spring Web flow
  5. Spring MVC Test for test unit,…

Database design

The following picture is database design of WEBSTORE web application.

More in src/main/resources/db/sql/create-table.sql

Getting Started

  1. Clone repository
  2. Download Tomcat Server 8.5
  3. Run on Server

Related book

Spring MVC: Beginner’s Guide Second Edition – Amuthan Ganeshan

Some capture of application

Update later.. : )))


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