Run pgAdmin4 on Docker in Arch Linux

Running pgAdmin4 in Arch linux seem like some erros exits. I guess it about Python version conflict. So Docker is best choices for now. Set up Install Docker, of course! Pull image pgAdmin4: docker pull dpage/pgadmin4 Run script below: #!/bin/bash docker run --name pgadmin --network="host" -e "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL=admin@admin.admin" -e "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=admin" -d dpage/pgadmin4 ||true(nohup xdg-open http://localhost >/dev/null

Running pgAdmin4 in Arch linux seem like some erros exits. I guess it about Python version conflict.
So Docker is best choices for now.

Set up

  1. Install Docker, of course!
  2. Pull image pgAdmin4: docker pull dpage/pgadmin4
  3. Run script below:

docker run --name pgadmin --network="host" 
-e "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL=admin@admin.admin"
-e "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=admin" -d dpage/pgadmin4 ||true(nohup xdg-open http://localhost >/dev/null 2>&1)&
  1. If localhost refuse to connect, just wait about few second, then reload again.


  • on close, the container is not close.
  • default email : admin@admin.admin, default password admin
  • a volume named “pgadmin” is create to store config


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