Amazon API Gateway REST API Regional Custom Domain Name

The SAM template deploys an Amazon API Gateway Regional Custom Domain Name. The Regional Custom Domain Name is mapped to a Stage in an existing API Gateway. Additionally, a Route53 A record is created to map the Regional Custom Domain Name (i.e. to the Target Domain Name created by API Gateway (i.e. As

The SAM template deploys an Amazon API Gateway Regional Custom Domain Name.

The Regional Custom Domain Name is mapped to a Stage in an existing API Gateway. Additionally, a Route53 A record is created to map the Regional Custom Domain Name (i.e. to the Target Domain Name created by API Gateway (i.e.

As prerequisites for this pattern, you must have:

  • A valid certificate in ACM (Amazon Certificate Manager) that covers the namespace of the domain you would like to use (i.e. *
  • A public Hosted Zone in Route 53 with the domain name you would like to use (i.e.
  • An API Gateway API (REST, HTTP or Websockets) and a deployed Stage within this API.

Note: when deploying this pattern, CAPABILITY_IAM is required.

Learn more about this pattern at Serverless Land Patterns:

Important: this application uses various AWS services and there are costs associated with these services after the Free Tier usage – please see the AWS Pricing page for details. You are responsible for any AWS costs incurred. No warranty is implied in this example.


Deployment Instructions

  1. Create a new directory, navigate to that directory in a terminal and clone the GitHub repository:

    git clone
  2. Change directory to the pattern directory:

    cd apigw-custom-domain-regional
  3. From the command line, use AWS SAM to deploy the AWS resources for the pattern as specified in the template.yml file:

    sam deploy -g
  4. During the prompts:

    • Enter a stack name
    • Select the desired AWS Region
    • Enter your Custom Domain Name (i.e. for the DomainName parameter.
    • You must have a ACM Certificate that covers your Custom Domain namespace (i.e. * Enter the ARN for this certificate.
    • You must have a public Hosted Zone in Route 53 with your Domain Name (i.e. Enter the Hosted Zone Id for this Hosted Zone.
    • Enter the API Id in API Gateway that you would like to map to your Custom Domain Name.
    • Enter the name of the stage within your API Gateway that you would like to map to your Custom Domain Name.
    • Allow SAM to create roles with the required permissions if needed.

    Once you have run guided mode once, you can use sam deploy in future to use these defaults.

  5. Note the outputs from the SAM deployment process. These contain the resource names and/or ARNs which are used for testing.


The stack will output the Regional Custom Domain endpoint. You can use curl to send a HTTP request to the Regional Custom Domain endpoint to test the correct mapping to your API.

curl https://{DomainName}


  1. Delete the stack
    sam delete
  2. Confirm the stack has been deleted
    aws cloudformation list-stacks --query "StackSummaries[?contains(StackName,'STACK_NAME')].StackStatus"


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