ASP.NET Core 6 – React 17 on Visual Studio 2022 with AI IntelliSense

Development environment: Visual Studio 2022 Preview, .NET 6 , React 17. Create project Press F5 to run debug, result Write first custom middleware, with the presence of AI for Intelli Sense, AI suggesion works as I expected. Write CustomLogger.cs namespaceReactNET6{publicclassCustomLogger{privatereadonlyRequestDelegate _next;publicCustomLogger(RequestDelegate next){ _next = next ??thrownewArgumentNullException("next");}publicasyncTaskInvoke(HttpContext httpContext){if(httpContext ==null)thrownewArgumentNullException(nameof(httpContext));await_next(httpContext);}}publicstaticclassMiddlewareExtensions{publicstaticIApplicationBuilderUseCustomLogger(thisIApplicationBuilder app){return app.UseMiddleware<CustomLogger>();}}} Add 2 lines (line 1

Development environment: Visual Studio 2022 Preview, .NET 6 , React 17. Create project

Press F5 to run debug, result

Write first custom middleware, with the presence of AI for Intelli Sense, AI suggesion works as I expected.

Write CustomLogger.cs

namespaceReactNET6{publicclassCustomLogger{privatereadonlyRequestDelegate _next;publicCustomLogger(RequestDelegate next){
            _next = next ??thrownewArgumentNullException("next");}publicasyncTaskInvoke(HttpContext httpContext){if(httpContext ==null)thrownewArgumentNullException(nameof(httpContext));await_next(httpContext);}}publicstaticclassMiddlewareExtensions{publicstaticIApplicationBuilderUseCustomLogger(thisIApplicationBuilder app){return app.UseMiddleware<CustomLogger>();}}}

Add 2 lines (line 1 and line 11) to file Program.cs This is feature called “Top-level statements” in C# 9

We have Program.cs with content

usingReactNET6;var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);// Add services to the container.

builder.Services.AddControllersWithViews();var app = builder.Build();

app.UseCustomLogger();// Configure the HTTP request pipeline.if(!app.Environment.IsDevelopment()){// The default HSTS value is 30 days. You may want to change this for production scenarios, see






Result after publishing: C:UsersdonhuvysourcereposReactNET6binReleasenet6.0publish , run file ReactNET6.exe , go to http://localhost:5000 to see the result.


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